Sunday, July 22, 2007

Arena killing World of Warcraft?

What the hell is hard about the concept that PvP weapons MUST be on par with raid weapons so non-raiders can compete in high level arena play to you people?

Is it the part where raiding doesn't automatically grant you a huge advantage in PvP (though it does, because a Stormherald = you can get 2 pieces of PvP armour ~6 weeks sooner, rating pending).

Is it the part where raiding is not a competitive process, whereas in arena your success is DIRECTLY related to how you can compete with other teams?

You may not be guaranteed the item in raiding, sure, but you do not need it to progress. In PvP the playing field needs to be reasonably equal such that new teams can actually break into the upper ratings without being gear-blocked for so long they never catch up.


The problem comes from Arena gear being better then raiding gear. It's sad that the arena season 2 feral hammer is better then a staff that drops in Hyjal (which needs it's stats re-done badly).

I find it funny that you think gear doesn't need to get better for raiders to progress also. So you think a kara geared group would stand a chance in BT past Shade and in Hyjal past Kaz'rogal(when the fights actually start getting hard)? The point of raiding gear was to be a bit higher then the gear a non raider gets. Now I do not expect me to be able to roll right over a non raider but its annoying that in PvP people can get gear that is better. And for you to think raiding isn't competitive.... well you obviously never have raided the top end raiding to see how competitive it really is.

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